Legislators need – and want – to hear from their constituents. Especially constituents who understand big, complex policy areas (like health and human services, education, the environment, etc.).
Over the past decade, legislator and legislative staff tenure are shrinking – due to retirements, a push into the private sector, and a volatile electoral map. This has resulted in less knowledge and understanding of complex budgeting and legislative environments in legislatures across the country. Organizations that have members and supporters with subject matter expertise are invaluable to legislators and their staff.
“Direct constituent interactions have more influence on lawmakers’ decisions than other advocacy strategies.”
But your supporters’ expertise is not only valuable during the legislative session. It is particularly valuable during election years. Leverage this moment in time- the best time to educate a lawmaker is when they are a candidate.
When they are candidates, you have your future lawmakers’ attention. They WANT to learn from you. They have the time and attention to listen to your concerns as they are forming their policy platforms. Leverage this moment to ensure your policy solutions are front and center. And then, after the election, make sure your advocates reconnect with their lawmakers to remind them of your policy goals.