If you have ever attended one of my trainings, I spend a considerable amount of time sharing how trends in advocacy open up opportunities for nonprofits to have an outsized impact on policy.
One of these trends is the lack of subject matter expertise caused by shorter lawmaker and staff tenure.
Over the past few decades, lawmakers and their staff have not stayed in their jobs as long - due to the volatile electoral climate, term limits, terrible job environments, and lucrative pay at other jobs.
Peter M. Weichlein, the CEO of FMC (The Association of Former Members of Congress), underscored this trend in this Newsweek piece, Congressional Brain Drain Is No Laughing Matter.
While this shift has many negative effects, it does create an opportunity for nonprofits.
Nonprofit organizations can provide the missing expertise needed by policymakers and their staff.
I refer to these as the Nonprofit Advocacy Superpowers.
⭐️ Subject matter expertise
⭐️ Access to local and community data
⭐️ Access to people with lived expertise
⭐️ PEOPLE who care and are motivated to act
Right now, your organization can help inform your policymakers - in your city, county, state, and beyond.
We need nonprofits to step up and engage in this process more now than ever!
Are you leveraging your advocacy superpowers? Check out my training opportunities to ensure your supporters and advocates are ready to act when you need them.
Training Spotlight: How your Organization can Win during Elections
Key learning objectives:
The common myths holding nonprofits back from engaging in election activities
How engaging in elections can strengthen your organization and help achieve your policy goals
Specific activities your organization can engage in this fall - and ones you want to avoid
Now What? Next Steps to Take
Each attendee will receive a handout on allowable election activities you can implement this election cycle.
Keynotes are Tough to Find
Looking for a keynote to inspire your members, supporters, or advocates to engage in legislative activities? To leverage their passion and reveal their power?
After noticing a dearth of keynotes who specialize in nonprofit advocacy – and the urgency to get them to act - I have been developing a keynote that I can share with my clients and revered nonprofit sector.
I work with my clients to create a customized, ideal keynote for your attendees keeping in mind that the 2024 elections provide us with a unique opportunity to leverage this moment in time.
Keynote theme
With the 2024 elections right around the corner, we need our nonprofit leaders to leverage this moment and inspire them to think big and bold.
Nonprofit engagement - especially in the health and human services - in the upcoming elections is critical to shaping what will happen in the coming years, and they cannot afford to sit it out. Too many nonprofit leaders think candidates do not care or (worse) that nonprofits cannot talk to candidates or do voter engagement.
Yet we know nonprofit organizations play a critical role in educating and informing candidates, those they serve, and the general electorate. At the same time, many nonprofits feel discouraged and reluctant to engage in our political process.
Bethany's keynote will leave your attendees feeling energized, valued, and excited to share their mission and vision with their communities and candidates – and feel empowered to stand up and speak out.